With tear drop in the corner of every eye and heavy heart we bid farewell to our beloved Prebyster, as he has been transferred to Madukarai. He had been the sole pillar of our church since the year 2014.Though many presbyster's hard work had upraised our church since it's inception, A special mention is needed to Rev. Christopher as he travelled with us for the past 5 year's.
As the Bible says, "A Good Shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep" John 10: 11. Through all these year's he had been a right Shepherd in leading our church members at times of hardships, sorrow,joy and happiness. He infact had personal enquires and prayers to all the members of the church. He introduced many new useful activities in the church.He infact shed his sweat to build our church.
Though our committee members also played a vital role he was the right engine to pull the entirety train to the right place.We wish him and his family all success in his future endeavours."The progress of the members of the church is the real call for leadership."_Hurvey .S.Firestone