Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month our church holds a special gathering for women. As proverbs 14:1 says, “The wise woman builds her house but with her own hands.” Woman was created to shape man in this world but, our congregation of women shed their tears and prayers for the entire World. They have witnessed various miracles not only within the members of the church but also outside. We hope and pray that they will continue to be a rising flame and serve our society.
The CSI All Saints Church Choir has always combined well. It assists the Clergy and leads the congregation in singing. Well – known exponents of music impart training in music to the members. The Choir actively participates in the Harvest Festival and renders musical recitals during Christmas, Easter and on special occasions like marriages and funerals at the Church. Members of the Choir visit the elderly and the sick during the Christmas season. Carols are rendered to comfort and cheer them. There are annual retreats and picnics for the members.
God has blessed the CSI All Saints Church Choir with the services of very dedicated choir masters and organists.